//= ../template/css.html Introduction - Concerto Style Guide | DPIM UX Team
CMS Styleguide Introduction
//= ../template/menu.html



Using this style guide, we aim to document all the unique visual and experiential elements that make up Concerto. Concerto initially began as a content management system, but it has since been amalgamated into a fleet of services that is central to our brands’ day-to-day operations.

From providing API services to hosting, Concerto is a dynamic, multi-faceted creature that is continuously growing and being developed. Therefore, we decided it was a good idea to create a living document that integrates good design principles and innovation to help all future Concerto developments maintain its stylistic consistency. Consistency is key to delivering a unified experience for all our brands, whether they’re scheduling a new A-spot promo or hosting a video stream.

This guide will also allow us to house and communicate the design inspiration and direction we decided to take when ideating for Concerto’s creative conception. We want to show the process behind our vision and how we combine user-centric thinking with the tenets of good design. More importantly, this document will continue to be updated, as Concerto’s development keeps rolling and new puzzles emerge. Design is ebb and flow and we’re always tackling new design challenges that come our way.



In the fast-paced world we live in today, users crave efficient products that help them achieve their tasks quickly and easily. From the card system to the toggles we’ve created, Concerto aims to help brands do just that. Why meander through unnecessary workflows when the process can be so much faster and simpler?


The navigations and workflows we’ve designed for Concerto aims to help our brands easily learn the interaction models and predict how to traverse the product. Our goal was to create an intuitive flow for our brands so the learning curve would be minimized and they can remember how to engage with the product on repeat visits.


The simplicity of Concerto’s design is intentional. We wanted the focus of Concerto to be on the content itself. Our careful choice of iconography, typography, and use of color aim to help instill an emotional connection to Concerto in the brands. Like how we depend on Facebook to connect with our friends, we want our brands to depend on Concerto to connect with their audiences.

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